Pixel-Perfect Designs: Unveiling the Four Point Grid in Webflow

Diagram of a 4pt design grid

In the ever-evolving landscape of Webflow design, mastering spacing is pivotal for creating polished and cohesive websites. Today, we delve into our studio's boilerplate spacing system—a four point grid. While it might not be a one-size-fits-all solution, consider it your launchpad for a clean and organized design journey.

Style Page Walkthrough

The style page in Webflow serves as the epicenter for setting project-wide styles. Our go-to? The four point grid system. As we walk through this system, you'll discover the beauty of standardized section spacing—always 100 pixels of bottom padding for a touch of separation, reducing to 80 pixels on mobile. But flexibility is the key. Whether your project demands a more spacious feel at 120 pixels or a tighter layout at 80 pixels, sticking to multiples of four ensures pristine containers with nothing but a max width.

Header and Paragraph Styling

Headers and paragraphs are the backbone of content. Maintain a crisp design with headers set at 16 pixels of spacing, offering just enough separation without feeling disjointed from the paragraphs below. Consistency is key—even on mobile, where we maintain the same padding. Paragraphs, set at 24 pixels below the heading, provide ample space for elements like buttons or images. Again, on mobile, keep it consistent for a seamless design flow.

Intro Paragraph Styling

Introductory paragraphs deserve a bit more space to breathe. Introduce a combo class called "intro" and set the bottom padding to 40 pixels. It's a subtle touch that adds emphasis and visual appeal.

List Styling

Lists, often the unsung heroes of content organization, follow the same principles. Keep list spacing in sync with paragraphs at 24 pixels below each list. For each list item, a modest 8 pixels of spacing ensures a tidy and well-organized look.

Button and Header Styling

Buttons and headers deserve a consistent approach. Set the height of your buttons at 48 pixels for uniformity. Apply the same height to top headers or site credit sections for a balanced design.

Emphasis Section Styling

Building on our previous tutorial, "Webflow Design Mastery: Crafting Versatile Sections for Dynamic Websites," emphasis sections remain a crucial design element. Provide these sections with 80 pixels of padding on desktop and 60 pixels on mobile for a touch of distinction.


In conclusion, mastering Webflow spacing is an art form—a delicate balance between consistency and flexibility. Adopting the four point grid system outlined here serves as your compass, guiding you toward cleaner, more organized designs. As you embark on your design endeavors, remember that precision in spacing is not just a practice; it's a journey toward design excellence. Happy designing!

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