Integrating MailChimp with Webflow: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mailchimp Logo

In the digital landscape, email marketing remains a powerful tool for engaging with your audience. However, many designers and developers find themselves stuck when it comes to integrating MailChimp campaigns with Webflow subscription forms. This article aims to demystify that process.

Setting the Stage

Before diving into the technicalities, let's understand what we aim to achieve. We want to capture user information—be it just an email or additional details like name and phone number—and automatically populate lists in MailChimp. For this guide, we'll use a simple MailChimp sign-up form and a Webflow email subscription form as examples.

Step 1: Choose Your Audience in MailChimp

The first thing you'll need to do is select the appropriate audience for your campaign in MailChimp. Navigate to the "Current audience" dropdown and select the "newsletter" audience.

Step 2: Customize Your MailChimp Form

Once your audience is selected, go to the Embedded Forms option. Here, you can customize your form by adding additional fields, adjusting its size and width, and even adding tags for better audience organization. While you can also add a referral badge, it's not essential for this integration.

Step 3: Syncing Fields Between MailChimp and Webflow

To ensure seamless data transfer, your MailChimp and Webflow forms should have matching fields. For instance, if you have an email field in MailChimp, make sure you have the same in Webflow.

Step 4: Extracting the Necessary Code from MailChimp

After customizing your form, click "Continue" to proceed to the "Your form is ready" screen. Scroll down to locate the "form action" section and copy the code snippet within the quotation marks. This code tells your Webflow form where to send the data upon submission.

html code snippet for a signup form

Step 5: Implementing the Code in Webflow

Open your Webflow designer and navigate to the Subscribe Form section in the Navigator panel. Paste the copied code snippet into the Action field under the Form settings panel.

Step 6: Finalizing Form Settings in Webflow

In the Form settings panel, set the Method to "Post." If you ever forget this setting, refer back to the original MailChimp code snippet, which will indicate "form action POST." Optionally, you can also add a redirect URL, typically leading to a Thank You page.

Step 7: Publishing and Testing

Once all settings are in place, go ahead and publish your Webflow site. To confirm that the integration is successful, submit an email through the form and check if it populates your MailChimp list.

Unlocking Peak Performance: Final Thoughts

Congratulations, your MailChimp-Webflow integration is now complete! This seamless integration not only enhances user engagement but also takes your email marketing strategy to the next level.

Got questions or need further clarification? Feel free to reach out to us. Keep enhancing your Webflow sites, and stay tuned for more insightful tutorials from Narrow Land.

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